Monday, August 31, 2009

Writing, writing and more writing

I try to keep this blog mostly about my experiences in the internet dating world. However, from time to time, I do have dry spells. Yeah, three guys emailed me over the weekend, but I couldn't get excited about any of them. So, I blog. And then I twitter. And then I write articles. Being unemployed stinks. But, the beauty of the internet is that there is instant access to moneymaking opportunities. Some are lame and multilevel marketing schemes. Some are just set up to teach you how to make money online. In the end, most people have learned a lot about making money, but they fail in the follow through. They don't end up making money because they never apply the techniques. It does take action, folks. You are going to have to do something. No matter how automated they say their process is, they wouldn't need you to market it if there weren't some required action. My latest and greatest venture is article writing. I've submitted articles to and hubpages. I really like hubpages because you can pump out an article and get it published immediately. I have been plagiarized. It was my second article and the loser copied it word for word! Really?! You couldn't have even changed the personal experience?

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Such a nice email

Rachel was so kind. She told me she would definately call my brother and have him take her flying because she wants to be a pilot and hopes he doesn't mind if she tags along with his salsa dancing and volleyball expeditions. It could be a match made in heaven. But, I think she may be too intense and smart for him. I really can't handle my friends dating my brothers, so I am indifferent. If they hit it off, great, if not that's fine too.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Why do we feel the need to play matchmaker?

I don't think that my older brother needs to date my friend Rachel. I'm not sure he's into someone so much more athletic than himself. And yet, after she moved to San Francisco, I gave her my brother's number and told her he'd probably be willing to take her flying if she ever wanted to try taking airplane controls. Rob has a pilot's license and goes up whenever he has the time and wants to spend the money on gas. I'm sure he'd be nice to Rachel as she is friends with myself and my younger brother. I actually know that my older brother hates set ups, so when I notified him that I'd given out his number to a friend, I mentioned that I didn't think they'd make a great match but she is a fun person to hang out with.

Friday, August 28, 2009

More emails from match

One guy got to the point right away. His initial email to me was simply, "Is height a deal breaker?" I emailed him back that it wasn't and received another response from him. He is all the way out in Chantilly and it is just up in the air with that.
Another guy asked me for a drink. I'm Mormon. I don't drink coffee or alcohol. When I simply replied that I didn't drink. He asked if I wanted to have coffee with him. Our emails were political. While he is kind of cute, I'm still stuck with the dilemma of how to meet someone when I don't drive there and don't want my parents to know I'm dating strange men I meet online. It probably won't happen. But I have other things to do. Like find a job.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Saw the Nephews Yesterday

My nephews came down yesterday to go swimming. We had a great time. Tony, the one who doesn't talk yet is much more aware than I give him credit. He noticed me eating a cookie and asked for one using the sign lanugage my sister taught him. I saw him sign and asked my sister. She gave me a patronizing look. "What are you eating? It's the sign for cookie. He wants what you have." Of course.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A cattle rancher, a politcal junkie

I got two emails from men on One is an LDS cattle rancher in Florida who is widowed with 2 kids. In some ways, I don't mind the fact that a man already has a couple kids. It takes the pressure off of me to have them. I mean, if I can't reproduce, he won't necessarily be disappointed because he already has two to raise. I won't have to go through pregnancy or if I do, it would only be once maybe twice. I'm open to the idea of dating men who have kids now. I haven't always been though.

The other guy who is local contacted me. He campaigned for Obama. I'm not sure how well I'd do with an Obama supporter. I'm not as enamored by Obama as most people. He has some pretty half baked ideas like the cash for clunkers program. Yes, it got gas guzzlers off the road. But, it created pollution in the process because you have the pollution from creating the new car and destroying the old one. Does that justify the money spent? How much pollution did we prevent after the fact? I realize this guy really has nothing to do with Obama's current decisions. But maybe I'm looking for a reason not to like the guy. He has a spare tire in his photo, but claims to work hard at the gym. to keep a healthy dose of skepticism.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Out of town dating

The trip out to California will be so much fun. I've contacted a couple guys that I wanted to ask me out, but didn't ask out myself thinking they wouldn't be interested. The great thing is that they don't see it as serious since I'll only be in town awhile. However, I remember hooking up with a guy who was on a business trip. It broke my heart a little. Oh well. The tables turn. I need someone to entertain me in California. Might as well be someone with make out potential.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

So not happening

I had a conversation with the 25 year old. We're friends. He still somehow sees potential in the relationship in the future, but I've given up any hope. I'm glad we've mostly made amends. I think the age difference came into play big time lately. He doesn't know what it is like to be single for years and make decisions on your own. He thinks this decision he has to make based on which project he will work on is going to make some huge difference in his life and is disappointed that I don't see it that way. A year goes by quickly. When you're young it passes so slowly, but for me, six months flies by. I made plans to visit California in October with my dad and brother. I contacted a Native American that I knew would enjoy my presence and scheduled a date. Life moves on.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

I am terrible

So, yesterday I told 25 year old that we couldn't be friends. I removed him from my friend's list on facebook. An hour later, I decided to undo that move and noticed that he had blocked me. Suddenly I wanted him to be my friend more than anything and I wanted to undo the stupid email I sent him. This morning I texted him and said I was sorry. Not hearing back from him, I called and told him I had changed my mind. So, yes. I am just as guilty of jerking men around as they are of jerking women around. I don't see this going anywhere as a relationship, so I am pursuing other options.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Awful Date

I went on a walk with the 25 year old. He was excited because he caught two frogs. I was grossed out. One of them peed. He knew that was their defense mechanism, so he held it away from him. The pee didn't hit me, but it was too close for comfort. I had to chuckle a little when I saw that he was afraid of the dogs that were behind an electric fence. Of course, he didn't know there was an electric fence there and had some dog trauma in his past. He told me about this major decision he was making and was really upset that I didn't have input. He really wanted me to be interested and care about his career. I've had so many failed careers that I support any person's choice in employment. I think all are great.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Feelin' Better

I woke up this morning and I wasn't congested. Thank goodness! Yesterday, my nephews came over after my sister bought a used minivan. Ethan wanted to show everyone his "new, big car!" Such excitement. But when the time came for him to go home, he didn't want the fun to stop. "No, I stay here! I not go home." Tony is a little more subtle. He still can't talk. But he runs into my lap. At first, I thought he loves me and then I realized the avoidance tactic. He has me wrapped around his little finger. I feed him when he's on my lap. I lift him up to show him Grandpa's trains. I carry him when he is tired. Of course he is going to run to my lap when mom says it's time to go home.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Dang it! I'm sick!

I haven't been sick in a very, very long time. Last week, I got a slight sore throat. Today, I woke up and my chest was tight, I was congested and wheezing a little from airway constriction. It is the middle of summer. What is this?! I've been promising my nephew that I'd take him to the pool and now I'm too sick to go. I had to cancel the night walk that the 25 year old wanted to take with me. He could tell that I was congested on the phone and knew I wasn't faking. Oh well.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Where to from here?

I haven't received many responses from lately. I got a couple emails yesterday that said someone indicated an interest in me, but I have been ignoring those. Whenever I get matched with someone, I always indicate that I'm interested. I've got over 100 people who I'm "interested in." I'm not really though. It is just a nice gesture that I do. I won't indicate that I'm interested in someone who is currently separated though. I wait for divorce. Separation isn't always permanent.
Still not sure whether or not I'll see the 25 year old again. I feel like he jerked me around a little telling me he wanted to be friends and then later instant messaging me and saying he was sad that I didn't want to hang out with him anymore. I guess his interpretation of "just friends" was not the entirely platonic meaning that I had. He just wasn't ready for a serious relationship. Hmm...after 2 dates, I didn't think it was serious.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Possibilities abound online

A history teacher contacted me on He didn't have a picture posted and I was a little entertained by our instant messaging. Today he posted a picture. He doesn't look like the hot history teacher who taught me 15 years ago. Not even close. I may see him. He doesn't live terribly far away and he is the same religion, so that is a plus. It says that he is heavyset, but in the picture that he posted, he looks trim, so that is kind of an indicator that either the picture is out of date or he wasn't paying attention when he chose to advertise himself as heavyset. Both are not good indicators.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Men Play Games

I was told, "I just want to be friends." I was sure that meant he didn't want a relationship with me. Until this morning's instant message. Actually, I'm pretty sure he doesn't want a relationship with me, he just hasn't realized it yet. He told me he was sad. He was hoping to see me again. Um...really, because you used the one line relationship ender on me.

Online dating again

A couple people contacted me from One is 38. He lives in Arlington. I told him I lost my job and moved to my parents house and he was still interest. He posted a lot of pictures of himself with his arm around a couple different women. I'm assuming they are family members, but you never know. You kind of have to wonder about guys who do that. Then there was someone from Chicago who emailed me. An asian guy. Really? Does he think that commute is going to be worth it? He sent me some pictures of himself traveling. While he has been to a ton of cool places, he doesn't look good in the pictures. I probably won't respond to that one.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Really? Another Text

I don't get this guy. He tells me he just wants to keep it as friends and then two days later he texts me to ask how it's going. Yeah, I text my friends sometimes. But, I told the guy I am not much of a texting person. He isn't interested in me, so why doesn't he move on? I think that is the reason people stay single. They hang out with people they aren't interested in too frequently and don't move on.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

No boy drama today

Unfortunately, I don't have any drama to write about. Not one guy online contacted me today. However, I've kind of been taking a break from Maybe I'll get back into it.
Today, I get to go and harrass my former employer. She hasn't given me the form to fill out for my COBRA. She gave me an eligibility notice. Then when I requested the information, I was Fed Exed another eligibility notice. I need the actual form to sign up. Being fired stinks, but dealing with health insurance afterwards does even more. Luckily, I found an online opportunity to keep me busy in between jobs. I never thought I'd be grateful for a multi-level marketing opportunity in my life. However, this one isn't so bad. It didn't cost me anything and I'm actually making money from it! Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Check it out for yourself - It is too boring to stay home and work on the computer all day, so I'm still applying for regular 9-5 jobs where I'll interact with people.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Almost Over Him

I don't know why I was so upset that Rich told me he wanted to be just friends. I wasn't overwhelmingly attracted to him and I was a little disappointed that he was eight years younger than me. I'm not at the same place he talks about being in his life (married soon), so it isn't like we were a perfect match. I think that the reality just set in. I will say this for the guy, at least he didn't leave me hanging and drag it on for months on end. I've seen men do that to women. Thank goodness for hot men to have crushes on. I told my friend, Craig, about the experience and he was so understanding. He said, we've all been there. Time will heal. Nothing too profound, but it is nice to know someone cares.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Keepin' it Just Friends

You can tell when a guy is interested in you because he actually plans on seeing you. He doesn't schedule things at the last minute. While, they say they are interested when they plan things at the last minute, really they aren't. Today the 25 year old told me he just wanted to keep it as friends. I'm okay with that. It is always good to have more friends.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Once a cougar, always a cougar

It is ironic that my high school mascot and my one of the colleges I went to had cougars for a mascot. Now, I've gone out with someone eight years younger than me, friends are calling me a cougar. Great animals, I must say! I really can't say that I'll always date younger men. Who knows, tomorrow I could meet someone older who is "the one!" But for now, I like telling people I'm seeing someone who is younger than me.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Talk on the phone?

So the 25 year old called me. I am not a phone person. I love hearing my nephews for a minute or two, but I don't call people just to talk. It amazes me how much some people have to say on the phone. I don't understand sometimes. He called and talked while I heated the oven. And talked some more while my frozen pizza heated. I think half an hour later, I admitted that I really wasn't the type to talk on the phone. It surprised him because I kept the conversation going well enough. I just never feel like calling people just to talk. It is kind of like hiking for me. I might enjoy it with the right people, but I would never plan on doing it.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

My Nephew Called Me

This morning it was raining. I called my sister to see if Ethan went outside and used the new umbrella he received for his birthday. Unfortunately, he was too busy fighting with his younger brother to talk. A couple hours later, he told my sister to call me. He told me about using his umbrella in the rain. So sweet! I'm definately the favorite aunt. Once I had understood all of what he was trying to say, I asked if Tony (his 2 year old brother) wanted to talk to Auntie Minnie. Tony can't say anything. My sister taught him sign language and he uses that instead of words, which frustrates everyone else. But Tony likes me more than Ethan, so I tell him hello and what I'm doing. I wait for him to grunt and continue on with our pretend conversation.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

He texted me

I pretty much dislike texting. It means that I have to press buttons on my phone multiple times to get one letter. It takes twice the time that emailing does. So, I was a little surprised that the younger man texted me. Pleased, but surprised. I guess the younger generation is more into that thing. I did the nice thing and replied, but when he replied at lunch time, I broke the news to him that I was just not a texter. I'm sure he won't be too offended. After all, I love tomatoes and he hates them and that doesn't seem to be an issue. Maybe when he finds out about my obsession with growing colorful varieties and massive amounts it will become one.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Watch the Comments!

I told the guy that took me out recently that he could check the website if he wanted to read what I wrote about the date. It was pretty neutral. Then, I saw my friend Stephanie's comment about not doing a great job making out with men. People might read your comments. Make sure they don't embarrass me, people! Just a word of warning.
Anyway, I went to Home Depot today. Not as exciting when I don't have plans for a grandiose garden with tomato support structures.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Selfishly Motivated

After speaking with my mother, I figured out why Ethan asked if I was going to the store. The previous day, Cindy had taken him to Toys R Us. My brilliant nephew isn't realizing people have other things to do. He is hoping you'll take him shopping too.

Conversation with Ethan

I talked to the three year old on the phone yesterday. They had just celebrated his birthday. He said, "Minnie, you come to my house?" But alas, I couldn't. Then he started asking me if I was going to the store. It is great that he is putting together that people have other things to do than hang out with him. He asked me if I was going shopping. I told him that I wasn't. And then he hung up on me! I guess he just wasn't interested in hearing more. Usually my sister gets the phone when he is done and translates his babble for me. He is getting easier to understand though, so it isn't as necessary.
I'm pretty disappointed in him right now. He won't let me pick him up anymore. When I try, he yells, "Put me down! I'm a big boy!" Good thing his brother still likes me to hold him.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Oh no! John found my blog!

I love my family. Really, I do. However I did not tell them about this blog. It was being written solely to entertain my friend, Stephanie. I was a little surprised that our mutual friend, Erin, posted a link to it. I just got an email from my brother telling me he found my blog and thinks that I should consider freelance writing. I hope he found the blog entitled Out of Obscurity where I write about my endeavors trying to figure out technology. John doesn't need to know I tried online dating and what I think of the latest guy who is interested in me. But, let's face it, I made this blog public and available to everyone. I really have no reason to complain.