Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Neuropsych Report

Some of you may know that I have struggled to keep a job in the past. It has been extremely frustrating because I have an IQ that is slightly above average and I achieved above average grades in school. I went on to complete a Bachelor's and Master's degree and still got fired. I had a neuropsychologist report done and recently got it back. It explains a lot, but I'm not sure exactly what to do. Turns out, my scores are all over the place. I had great memory recognition, but free recall was poor. In other words, when you give me a test on something, I will regurgitate the answers, but if you expect me to recall specific details on my own without prompts, it isn't going to happen. I also have a slower than normal processing speed. I scored in the first percentile compared to others in my age range with the same level of education. My sustained attention was poor too. I had excellent word finding abilities and so I seem normal. People think that when I don't start something immediately it is because I'm lazy, but really, I'm still processing the request! One time when I was fired, they called me "laxidazical." I thought I was getting everything done that they asked in a reasonable time frame. Unfortunately, it could be caused by my medication, which I can't stop taking. I start cognitive remediation on Tuesday.

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