Thursday, March 19, 2009

Peer Pressure

My fabulous friend, Stephanie, has gotten me to sign up for online dating. I don't know why I give in to peer pressure. I am not doing eharmony. It was too expensive and I'm not really serious about these online relationships. I am kind of fake online. No one sees you. You feel at liberty to type crazy things.

Monday, March 16, 2009


I get so excited for spring. When it is cold, I dream up a garden and plant it. Right now I have peas and spinach that has germinated. Interestingly enough, when the weather is pleasant year round, I get burned out and am not motivated to grow things. When it is cold, I spend hours looking at seed catalogs and making plant selections. It rains on the East Coast, so I don't have to worry about watering. Otherwise, I wouldn't continue the obsession.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

"Does this look familiar to you?"

The look on my mother's face was priceless. My father had taken her car to fill it up with gas. However, he failed to mention to her that he had purchased a car months ago and had been keeping it at work. I don't know when he planned on breaking the news to her. I had been in the car numerous times and heard the story of how he bought the mint condition '89 Mercedes Benz off some guy he met in the parking lot for a song. It is incidents like these remind me that in life it isn't what you own, but how you treat people that is important. My mother is fine with having an extra car. She realizes that getting a deal on a used car is one of my father's many quirks.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Technology is ruining my life

I got a new phone. My old phone was too technologically advanced for me. I finally learned how to text last year. Yesterday my phone died. I had to get a replacement. I didn't spend much time deciding. I had been eligible to upgrade my phone for over two years, but didn't want to bother because the phone still worked. I chose the cheapest one, which happens to have all the bells and whistles. Now, I can take pictures with my phone. Great. Now I have no excuse not to take pictures of things and posting them on the internet for friends to see. The excuse that I can't figure out how to use it is only going to last for a few weeks.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Keep It Simple, Stupid

Although, I hate to insult people, I liked the acronym. Keep it Simple, Stupid. I live my life by that motto. I rent a studio apartment. I walk to work. I don't own much. Each time I get a new job, I get a new place. Too much stuff clutters your life. On a whim, I moved to California to experience the West Coast. I loved it. When my boss changed, my job got old and I missed my family, I moved back. It is a tragedy that more people don't see the value in renting.