Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Sarcasm doesn't read well online
I made the mistake of telling my friend about my blog. Mostly this blog is written for the amusement of my single friends who live far away. But I told the 25 year old about the blog. I thought he might find it amusing. Today I received an email that said he read it and I didn't write nice things about him. Well, I won't make the mistake of telling another guy about the blog. I thought since he just wanted to be friends that he might be amused by some of my thoughts. I warned him that it was mostly girly gossip.
I wish my life was more exciting
I substituted in an art class yesterday. They voted for the homecoming king and queen. One of the girls who was up for homecoming queen wore a formal from last year. It was totally inappropriate for school. She didn't like wearing the three inch heels and walked around the classroom barefoot. If I knew her name and was the teacher, I would have told her to put her shoes back on. However, I was not in charge of the class. Other than wearing something somewhat seductive to school and walking around barefoot, she wasn't doing anything wrong.
Monday, September 28, 2009
High School Drama
I substituted at Woodson high school today. It was humorous to me to hear some of their drama. One guy was talking about how abrupt he was in ending his relationship with his girlfriend. He told her that he didn't want to be friends. I wanted to tell him that was great and why, but then he would have known that I was eavesdropping on the conversation. The great thing about not being friends is that you know there is no chance of a relationship. I hate that 25 year old wanted to be friends. It is an awful position. I feel like I'm wasting his time when I'm with him because I can tell it isn't going to go anywhere. Maybe some people marry their friends, but I think that most don't.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Yard Sales
I went golfing with the 25 year old this morning. Afterwards we went to yard sales. I hate shopping at yard sales. There is nothing at a yard sale that I need. I have realized that if you can live without a lot of things this last year. While I don't feel like it is necessary or important to have new items, what I've found is that many Americans have a tendency to acquire more things than they actually need. But, I was pleasant and went along with him to the yard sales. Somehow the next time we go out, wned to have food. I like food and have hit enough golf balls to get at least a smoothie out of these pointless dates.
Friday, September 25, 2009
He bailed on me!
So, the 25 year old told me we could play golf and then something came up and he had to work later. But, then he had to go to his sister's after work. Okay, I get it. He didn't want to hang out with me, but why not just say he was busy? Why feed me one excuse after another? I'll never understand men. But, luckily I'm not dating this guy. Someday I'll find someone who cares about my opinion and my time, but it probably won't be anytime soon.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
I need to become a shutterbug
My blog lacks pictures and pizazz. I have a really lame excuse. I don't own a camera. While my phone has a camera on it, I don't have the attachment that enables me to download the photos. I know that you can pay extra and have the pictures sent via email, but I'm on my father's family plan and he doesn't want to pay extra for email capabilities. So, if you are reading this blog and wishing I would put up more pictures, keep wishing. I need to start taking some. My nephew just loves taking pictures. He took one of the trash can. He told the toys, "Smile, toys," and took one of his toys and then turned to his mother and told her he needed to take one of her. I wish I had his enthusiasm for snapping photos. But alas, no.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
A midsingles ward?!
They announced that there would be a special sacrament meeting on Sunday and they were inviting the midsingles from McLean stake and Oakton stake to attend. Vienna ward and Franklin ward would be in attendance as well. This caused a lot of gossip. Luckily, I didn't have to wait for Sunday to find out that they are creating a new ward and assigning the midsingles to one ward. The stake president wanted all the midsingles personally invited and my mother took the message for me last night. I'm indifferent. I don't really care if I see Eric Parker and Todd Myers every week. They have never asked me out and don't really inspire me to want to be a better church-goer. I think that they may have noticed that an increase in inactivity by the midsingles and thought there was strength in numbers. I don't know.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Online Avoidance
I have discovered that dating online is pretty simple. If you don't like the guy, you don't have to reply to his email. Yesterday someone contacted me, whose attitude is pretty cool, but you can't tell what he looks like in his picture. I don't want to be racist and not date him because he is black. However, I'm not feeling like it is safe to get in a car with someone you met online on a first date and that is where my biggest obstacle lies. I no longer live near public transportation or a mecca of meeting places. I'm out in the suburbs with my family again. I haven't told my parents that I do online dating. I don't know that they would approve, so I have avoided the subject altogether.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Yesterday, my brother, my father and I resurfaced the driveway. There were only two spreaders, so I didn't push the tar over the driveway. My task was to mix it up. I took a drill with an attachment and stirred it up. The mixture was thick at the bottom and watery at the top. Luckily, my younger brother asked if I was wearing nice jeans. I quickly changed out of them. While I didn't spill on myself after the first bucket, the second bucket wasn't so kind and I splattered tar all over my ankles and on my birkenstocks. Thinking a good solution to not getting any more tar on my shoes was not wearing any, I ended the day with tar on my heels. Tar does not wash off easily. I was hoping to wear sandals to church today, but that will only work if I can get more off.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
He doesn't want to kiss a woman he isn't serious about. I'm so not liking this guy anymore. I'll continue to see him until he realizes that we are just wasting our time. That or I find some new friends to hang out with. That is difficult because right now I'm living in suburbia. And it is difficult to get around suburbia without a car. Luckily, my younger brother is home for awhile and I can bum rides off of him, but that won't last long. He is going to move out as soon as he gets a job.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
My Brother Came Home
John came home from Oxford and yesterday we went to see the nephews. Tony, the youngest was more attached to his aunt and Ethan played with John. I adore Tony, but Cindy taught him sign language and he has had difficultly learning to speak. It was cute that he was showing off the signs that he knew. Unfortunately I can only understand a few of them. It is frustrating because at two years old, he can only say a handful of words. He can't say Daddy yet. He has vowels down. My name sounds like "ie" instead of what his brother calls me, "Minnie." Now that Ethan can pronounce more things, I told him my name was "Melinda." He looked offended and said, "No. You not Linda, you Minnie!" Too cute.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Almost, but not quite
My friend, Stephanie, told me I needed to kiss the 25 year old. I was feeling good about that idea when we went golfing last night until he told me when we reached the driving range that I was his buddy. That took me back to platonic feelings for the guy. The verdict isn't out on him quite yet. Sometimes I'm really attracted to him and sometimes I just want to be friends. We'll see. I received a wink on yesterday. I emailed the guy, but he didn't respond, so I'm thinking that he isn't really that interested.
Monday, September 14, 2009
So sad
The 25 year old is working late tonight, so we probably won't be golfing. He disappointed me last night by not going to the CES fireside. I will only go to those if I have a friend going. Otherwise, I feel old and out of place.
I got a wink today from someone on But, I was annoyed. I tried to instant message him and he didn' respond. OH well. It probably wasn't meant to be.
I got a wink today from someone on But, I was annoyed. I tried to instant message him and he didn' respond. OH well. It probably wasn't meant to be.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
A lost crush and a total dis
Last night I went to the Singular Humanitarian BBQ/slideshow. A group of singles went to Guatemala on a humanitarian effort and were showing pictures and talking about it. I discovered my fallback crush is dating a friend of mine. I'm happy for them. I hope it works out. I also saw two men that I didn't want to see. As I was about to leave, one of them came up to ask me what was new. I tapped his shoulder, said "not much" and walked away. My best friend Leah loved watching this as she hates the guy with a passion. He has ignored my instant messages on facebook and not invited me to his parties. I unfortunately found out about them through pictures and posts on facebook. Oh well. I hope he felt a little sting of rejection, but I doubt it.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Golf Again
Last night, I didn't have plans, so I was settling in watching Grey's Anatomy on my computer when the 25 year old called. He hadn't planned on getting out of work early, but since he did, he called me. And we hit balls. He asked me all kinds of questions to get a better handle on what I liked to do. In reality, I can easily entertain myself alone. But when it comes to making plans with other people, I have a hard time coming up with fun things to do. I think he was sorely disappointed that I'm not terribly outdoorsy. Oh well. He can move on and find someone else. I don't know why he still asks me out.
Friday, September 11, 2009
I don't speak French
I substituted today for a French class. I don't know a thing about French. I liked the kids for the most part. I told them straight up though, that I didn't speak French and they could ask each other for help. It is the first week. I handed out the books and then had a lot of time to come up with ideas to write about on my other blog. I wish that I could say there were exciting things happening in my personal life. The only thing I'm really looking forward to is the latin dancing this weekend. A group of people took a humanitarian effort to Guatemala and they are showing their pictures and having a BBQ. Looking forward to it.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Substituting again...
So, I'm in between jobs and substituting until I decide on something more permanent. Again. It is an easy job that I transition in and out of when I stay with my parents. It used to make me long for teaching, but not today. Today and yesterday, I was grateful for leaving the teaching profession. There was something liberating about not having a contract or responsibility over these teenagers.
I was super disappointed that the 25 year old didn't want to golf yesterday. He was working until 10 pm. I guess there is some tax accountant deadline coming up. Well, that is what working for one of the top five accounting firms does to a person. Late hours.
I was super disappointed that the 25 year old didn't want to golf yesterday. He was working until 10 pm. I guess there is some tax accountant deadline coming up. Well, that is what working for one of the top five accounting firms does to a person. Late hours.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Off to work!
I was fired almost two months ago. It has been a nice vacation. I'm going back to work today. I have a substitute teaching assignment at my mother's school. It will be good to be out and about again. Although, I'm not sure the day will go smoothly. In fact, I know it won't. It is the first day of school and I'm a substitute for a substitute. The kids won't have books. I hope I have a class roster. The teacher is out on maternity leave and her long term sub is taking the first two days off.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Labor Day with the Nephews
Today, the folks and I went up to visit the nephews. My father brought his coveted train set for them. Little Ethan, quickly welcomed me into his house and showed me his latest and greatest treasure, a trumpet. He doesn't play it, but rather cherishes it, lovingly snaping open the case and pulling the velvet over the body of the trumpet. As I carelessly snatch it from the case and start blowing on it, I see my nephew's demeanor change from delight to anguish. Careful not to upset the balance in the household, I quickly change the topic. "Ethan, Grandpa brought trains!" Tony wastes no time in following my father out to the car and before long both boys are entranced by the whistle and smoke emanating from the train set. It was blissful.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Not much
What did I do yesterday? Sadly, not much. I watched a funny movie on television, washed my laundry and went to the grocery store. It is so frustrating to not have a lot of friends nearby. I hate that I can't drive right now. It is getting old. I wish more people understood, but no one who I know has epilepsy and is under driving suspension. I just wish my parents didn't know about the last episode. If they didn't, I would probably be driving now. Maybe.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Golfing and a Movie
I chose to hang out with the 25 year old last night even though it is going nowhere and I'm not even getting any action. He's good company. We went to the driving range again and back to his place for a really lame movie. However, the ones that he was considering taking me to were late and I'd already seen them. I'm not a huge fan of watching something twice.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Too bad, so sad
Well, Manly Graphite (his screen name) hasn't emailed me again. He sent me some link about Obama's speech to the children on the first day of school and encouraged me to have my family keep the kids out of school on September 15th. My nephews aren't even old enough to go to school. I was a teacher and would be annoyed if my students didn't show up on the first day when they assign books. Obama is going to encourage them to set goals. Only two of the questions on the worksheets online seem a little politically motivated. He is trying to use the children to gain approval. However, he may no see it that way. So, Manly and I probably won't hook up. A Catholic dude from emailed me again. He doesn't drink or smoke, so that is good. I'm kind of sick of dating. I'll send him an email today, but I don't know what to do with his interest.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
I am annoyed that the 25 year old calls me and wants to spontaneously do things all the time. I have a life and I do make plans. I don't feel like I should drop what I'm doing just to go on a walk or to the driving range or a movie with this guy. If he was seriously interested in me (and he has made the comment that he isn't), he would schedule something in advance. So, why do I put up with the last minute games. It seems like such a waste of my time. I guess my alternative is reading or watching television, so I go along with him. But, still. I need someone who respects my time more.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Another Facebook Interest
I added someone on facebook called Manly Graphite. I have no idea who this is. It doesn't even sound like a real name. Maybe I'll google him. They'll probably just pull up the facebook profile. I sent him an email thanking him for adding me as a friend, but that I had no idea who he was. He told me that he was talking to our mutual friend and my picture or a comment caught his interest and that he decided to "take a chance." I doubt this will go anywhere. I'm not big on long distance dating. I have no idea what state he is in. He used the term aloha, but I noticed that he went to BYU Hawaii for his undergrad. His graduate degree was from a school in Texas. Interesting...maybe there is potential. Maybe not.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Last minute
The 25 year old called me up and wanted to do something last night. He doesn't stand a chance with me if he is calling at the last minute. While I might make time for him to go to the driving range, I can't get excited about a lasting relationship with someone who has put the friends label on it. I think he is under the impression that there is a possibility in the future, but not after you tell the girl you want to be friends. Emotionally she will just move on. He didn't try to kiss me, which is fine because he told me that he only wants to be friends. He is a good distraction. But, he gets too excited about seeing deer in Northern Virginia. He tried to hit them with the golf balls. Of course he missed. For some reason, he was shocked that they didn't get scared.
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